Monday 20 August 2012


What is pollution?

According to the oxford dictionary pollution is defined as “the presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance or thing that has harmful or poisonous effects” Pollution is caused because of human activities or even due to some natural phenomena’s. There has been an increase in the rate of pollution in recent years, which has caused harm not only to the environment but also on human health. Pollution can be in many types, however the main types of pollution's are land pollution, air pollution and water pollution.

Air Pollution


               The main cause of air pollution is due to the dangerous emissions of gases like Nitrogen Oxide, Sulphur Dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which are emitted from factories, motor vehicles or by other human activities or even because some natural phenomena’s
             Household activities like using wood fires for cooking can add to the smoke in the air, use of incense and air fresheners can also contribute to the pollution.
           In order to get rid off garbage they are burnt in open lands, thus this smoke adds to the pollution because of no proper waste disposal method.
          An increase in the amount of CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) which is emitted due to the use of refrigerators, air conditioners etc also add to the air pollution.

  1. ·         An increase in air pollution alters the ozone layer in the atmosphere. The ozone layer helps protect the earth from dangerous gases. A decrease in the ozone layer could lead to diseases like skin cancer.

  • ·         As air pollution increases humans could also face many respiratory problems.
  • ·         Many humans could find it difficult to breathe in this polluted air thus have diseases like bronchitis.

  • ·         Vehicle owners should take care of their vehicles in order to reduce the smoke emitted from them.
  • ·         Factory owners should take care of their factories so that they can reduce the amount of chemicals emitted in the air.
  • ·         Instead of burning garbage other methods that are better for the environment should be introduced.
  • ·         Reduction in the use of air fresheners, incense, air conditioners, burning of firewood for cooking etc. can also reduce air pollution.

Water pollution:


            The main reason for water pollution is because of waste dumped into the sea, river, lakes and other water bodies, directly or indirectly, by human activities like using the sea side for domestic purposes like bathing, washing, etc. this is mainly done in rural areas of developing countries like India.
           Water pollution is also caused by factories dumping waste like dyes, etc in the seas and other water bodies.
           Oil spills because of human activities, while transporting oil can also add to the water pollution.
waste from factories

people washing clothes at lakes thus polluting them


v  Water pollution affects the flora and fauna in the sea.
v  Fishes find it difficult to live in this polluted water and eventually die many species of fishes are on the verge of extinction  because of water pollution.
v  Water pollution not only affects marine animals but humans also, as it can cause diseases like jaundice. Consumption of this polluted water could also lead to other diseases.
v  Fishes in the polluted water have a small amount of mercury in them, when these fishes are consumed by humans it could be dangerous.


v  Waste from factories should not be dumped in the sea but instead special provisions should be made to dumb waste.
v  While transporting oils humans should be careful in order to avoid oil spills.
v  The government should enforce laws that will lead to lesser waste dumped into the sea.

Land pollution:


          Land pollution is caused by dumping household waste and factory waste in open lands
   due to lack of proper waste disposal methods.
        In order to increase the growth of vegetables, farmers have begun using pesticides and fertilizers. Excessive use of these fertilizers also reduces the quality of the land.
       In order to meet the demands of raw materials like coal, mining has been increased. Thus mining is also one of the causes of land pollution.
        Deforestation in order to build buildings is also another reason for land pollution which is increasing lately because of urbanization and industrialization.


v  Land pollution affects the climate, as there is less forest cover this results in lesser amout of rainfall.
v  Many species who cannot adapt to these climatic changes may find it difficult to live and eventually die.
v  Land is wasted, which can be used for better purposes like agriculture.
v  There is also a spread of epidemics like plague, malaria, etc due to no proper disposal methods.


Ø  We should plant more trees.
Ø  Increase in the use of biodegradables products.
Ø  Waste should be disposed of properly instead dumping them on open land.
Ø  We should adopt methods like Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.


Pollution has been increasing continuously lately, due to increase in pollution, it has been difficult for animals and us to live in this polluted environment, with the help of these solutions we can try and reduce the percentage of pollution, as pollution could be really dangerous for the environment and us humans.

Sunday 19 August 2012

Review of: "The Cove"

                   The movie “The cove” shows us how the Japanese kill dolphins as a culture. It was found that Japanese kill about 23,000 dolphins per year in Taiji (Japan). This documentary was made so that people would be aware of the mal-practices in Japan. Many of the locals were shocked after hearing this news. They did not know what was happening in their own country. However those who knew about it also did not do anything to stop this killing and instead covered up for their country. In the documentary Rick O’barry is the activist who tries to make everyone aware of what’s happening in order to save the dolphins. He does his best to save the dolphins even though he got arrested for it a couple of times.

Why do Japanese kill dolphins and whales?

There may be many reasons why Japanese killed dolphins and whales, however the main reasons could be:
  • ·        The Japanese probably killed dolphins/whales because it was a tradition in Taiji. No one knows why the dolphins were killed but they used to kill them since many years, so trying to keep the tradition still running, the Japanese killed them whether it was legal or illegal.
  • ·          Dolphins and whales are large consumers of fish because of this one reason the Japanese used to kill them as most of their fishes used to be eaten up by the dolphins.
  • ·     A person could earn more by selling dolphins meat compared to selling the dolphins in aquariums. This could also be one of the reasons why Japenese killed dolphins. 

Why is it wrong to kill dolphins and whales?

  • ·         Dolphins are intelligent and self-aware animals they know when they or their family members are going to die, they are very sensitive.
  • ·         Dolphins and whales both are at a risk of extension. 
  • ·         Dolphins and whales cannot be killed for food as they contain a high amount of mercury, if they are consumed the person eating it many suffer from various diseases.
  • ·         Dolphins are always known to be the friendliest animals. They do not harm us then WHY harm them!!

Monday 9 July 2012

Review of south park : Whale Wars

                                                THE MAIN ISSUE 

                              The main issue in this video is killing of whales and dolphins by the Japanese for no proper reason. In the video the character Stan is the activists trying to fight  for the injustice done to the whales and dolphins.
                      Stan and his family were celebrating his birthday at the Denver aquarium, where he was even getting a chance to swim with the dolphins. However, as his chase was approaching, the Japanese suddenly came from no where and killed the dolphins right in front of his eyes, because of this incident Stan's birthday celebration was ruined, which obviously made him feel bad. As there was no end to this senseless killing of dolphins/ whales, Stan decides to take on the cause, so that he can  save the dolphins and whales .
                              When he asked  his friends for help they  did  not really care at first, as they thought it was a waste of time and that no one would listen to them fighting for the whales/dolphins.  The character Cartman ( Stan’s friend) also did not care about saving the dolphins/whales, however when Stan became famous by his act of trying to save the dolphins/whales, Cartman and Stan’s other friends were very much interested about the issue, as they also could now become famous with all the media attention.

 “That’s just the way the Japanese are you cannot change the way an entire country           thinks”.

                                 When Stan asked Cartman for help the first time  Cartman said that he should not bother about this issue because no one would listen to him, Cartman added by saying   “That’s just the way the Japanese are you, cannot change the way an entire country thinks”. Cartman was right with this statement. Many Japanese killed dolphins/whales may be as one of their cultural activities. The people who follow these rituals do not like it when they are corrected . These rituals  are very difficult to remove because they have been practised by many people since a really long time. according to the Japanese ,there were just carrying  on their culture, so it did not seem to be very wrong to them, and they still continued killing them.

                             ‘’No one likes it but no one will do anything to stop it ‘’

                            This statement was said by Stan when he was trying to help the dolphins/ whales, 
         Stan was trying to convince his friends to help the dolphins/whales, however they were not interested in it though they knew it was not right. So many other people were also there in the aquarium and also saw the Japanese killing the dolphins ,they also did not like it they all knew it was wrong, but only Stan was the one person out of the many to fight for the right.

                                                        THE LAST SCENE 
                                The last scene tells us, that when Japanese killed dolphins and whales, we felt it was bad because no other religion or culture ever practised  killing  dolphins. However we kill so many animals like chickens, cows, pigs,etc. everyday for food but we feel that it is “right” because this is practiced everywhere since a long time . Killing of chickens and cows is also wrong, but however we only see the Japanese killing dolphins and whales not us .… killing so many animals just  for food!

Saturday 7 July 2012


                The most important reason why one should study geography is to understand the planet on which we live on a little more better than we know it. For example we cannot go to a country without knowing the language of that country , their culture , their currency ,where the country is situated, e.t.c . for we  may get lost in such an unknown  place,  geography provides us with all the information regarding any country, its currency ,language, dressing, states , population , weather conditions,and many other factors, thus making it easier for us to travel to any part of the world.

                During natural calamities geography helps us is knowing the main reasons for its occurrence, the consequences of the disaster, preventive measures , e.t.c. for any particular calamity. This information helps us to be prepared for natural calamities whenever it may occur. Thus helping us to keep our self protected and safe.

               A person who studies geography is called a Geographer . A Geographer studies geography to make us aware of everything happening on our planet which effects us, they provide us with all the information which is necessary for us human beings to know, so that we can make the earth a safer place to live in . Like the study of global warming made us aware that we should not waste our resources as they are becoming scarce , without geography we would have not known about global warming and used all the resources very carelessly, and even used chemicals which are harmful for the planet, which would indeed lead us into some  grave problems affecting humans, wild life and the bio-diversity.

             Because of the study of geography, geographers can solve many environmental problems.They can plan for the further, which would in turn lead us into a better tomorrow, as it can educate people to use resources carefully. Geography teaches us to be more environmentally friendly.  



                     When we say the word  "Geography” many people only think of maps, however geography is a wider concept it is not only limited to the study of maps, it is beyond that. According to the oxford dictionary geography is defines as “_the study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere, and of human activity as it affects and is affected by these, including the distribution of populations and resources and political and economic activities."

                     In simple words geography is the   study of natural calamities (such as  earthquakes,  volcanoes, cyclones,e.t.c.)  , countries, climates , culture , weather, people ,environment , plants , animals ,maps ,e.t.c. . Geography is a study of all the happenings around the world which directly or indirectly have an impact on human beings. It gives us a deeper understanding of how things are evolved / how things got  here ……on the earth’s surface.

 It  is a combined beauty of human and nature thus It helps in creating an interaction between humans and the environment, helping us in understanding our surroundings better!!!